January 12, 2025
How Many Sex Offenders are in My Neighborhood?

How Many Sex Offenders are in My Neighborhood?

How many sex offenders are in my neighborhood? This sounds like a fair question. However, the answer may not be so fair. A guy in Northern California recently did a sex offender search in his neighborhood and found that there were over twenty convicted sex offenders that lived within two miles of his home. Doesn’t sound very reassuring, does it?

Sex Offender Laws

Thanks to some laws that passed in an attempt to keep the general public safe from dangerous sexual predators, information regarding sex offenders is pretty easy to get. Once a person gets convicted for a sex offense, especially against a child, they have to register with the state that they did the crime in as a sex offender. Being a registered sex offender means that the offender has to provide the registry with all of their general information for the whole world to see. Name, address, penal conviction code, and whatever else that the state specifies. This is why it is so easy to see where sex offenders live in your neighborhood. But you have to know where to look.

Get the Whole Story

Generally, if you search for answers on a government database, you will only find part of the picture. The only time you will find records is if they have been convicted of a sexual crime. If they are criminals like burglars, robbers, wife beaters, or anything else, you won’t see it. If you do a search on the Kids Live Safe databases, you get all of the records that are available for the person you are searching about. You will have access to things like:

  • Arrests
  • Criminal convictions
  • Sex offenses
  • Violent convictions
  • Thefts
  • Lawsuits

When you see the kind of history that Kids Live Safe has to offer, you can learn a lot about a person. Try not to go into shock when you find out the truth about people.

Stay Informed Stay Safe

Kids Live Safe is an entity that was built on the foundation to keep kids safe from sexual predators. When you sign up, you can opt-in for an email alert program that keeps you updated on sex offender activity in your area. You can choose up to three different addresses that you would like to keep watch over. Any time a sex offender moves into a place that is within five miles of each location, you will get an update via email. This is very helpful in staying freshly updated about potential threats around you. Not only do you know where the sex offenders in your neighborhood are, but you will also know when new ones move in.

Sex Offenders in Your Neighborhood

Unfortunately, there will probably be convicted sex offenders that live near you. That doesn’t mean that you need to live in fear about them. Just know who they are and where they live. This way you can keep your kids and loved ones far away from them. Sex offense records can go back for a very long time, so a sex offense conviction could have been decades before. Although they are all sex offenders, some may be less of a threat than others.