February 19, 2025
Types of Industrial Injuries and How Often They Occur

Types of Industrial Injuries and How Often They Occur

Workers in factories, oil refineries, chemical plants, and other industrial settings run the risk of serious injury or death each day. Industrial workers are exposed to various hazards on a regular basis when they operate heavy machinery or are exposed to tremendous amounts of energy running through electrical cables and lines.

Some employees work around dangerous liquids, gaseous chemicals or unload and load large pallets of goods where they run the risk of getting injured from a falling load.

As a result, industrial injuries are common mishaps in these settings. These types of accidents are not only devastating but can be life-changing experiences. Some injuries lead to a permanent partial or total disability. While industrial mishaps come in all shapes and forms, some are more common than others.

Common Injuries

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, sprains and strains account for almost 41% of all injuries in industrial settings, forcing most workers to take time off from their jobs. Other common injuries, according to the Bureau, include the following:

  • Lacerations and cuts (around 8%)
  • Bruising (almost 9%)
  • Fractures (almost 8%)
  • Burns from heat (around 1.5%)

Common Workplace Injuries and How to Prevent Them | Begum Law Group Injury Lawyers

The above-mentioned injuries account for about 67% of all injuries in industrial settings.

Other Injuries

Other injuries include the following:

  • Severed or crushed limbs or extremities
  • Punctured or crushed internal organs
  • Lung damage resulting from the inhalation of toxic vapors or smoke
  • Blindness or hearing loss
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Injuries to the back or spine

Because an industrial injury can be quite severe, an accident victim may become permanently impaired physically and/or mentally, making it impossible for him or her to work again. Indeed, the medical costs can get exceedingly high if victims need repeated surgeries. In addition, extensive rehabilitation is often needed so the victim can have the best chance for recovery.

The Legal Clock is Ticking

If you or a loved one has been affected physically or mentally by an industrial injury, you need to consult with legal counsel immediately. While OSHA provides employer and employee safety guidelines, workers are still under a high risk for injury. Find out how much your case may cost you and the type of settlement you can receive. You should take action now, as the statute of limitations for these types of personal injury cases runs only two years from the date of the accident. If you discover an injury following an event, you have one year from the date of discovery to file a lawsuit.

Talk to a lawyer while the case is still fresh on your mind. Doing so will help you get the evidence you need to pursue a fair and just settlement.

One thought on “Types of Industrial Injuries and How Often They Occur

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